After nobody made the Baseball Hall of Fame because everyone was on drugs, Major League Baseball announced a sweeping drug program that will test all player for drugs, specifically human growth hormone (hGH). For Derek Jeter’s sake, we hope McDonalds isn’t injecting that stuff into the Big Macs. From MLB:
Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig said: “This agreement addresses critical drug issues and symbolizes Major League Baseball’s continued vigilance against synthetic human growth hormone, Testosterone and other performance-enhancing substances. I am proud that our system allows us to adapt to the many evolving issues associated with the science and technology of drug testing. We will continue to do everything we can to maintain a leadership stature in anti-doping efforts in the years ahead.”
Next time New Yorkers hear Yankee announcer scream “It is high … it is far … it is gone!” he may be talking about A-Rod being suspended.