The cast of 30 Rock stopped by Jimmy Fallon last night to recap their seven seasons on the air as the season finale approaches. One...
The upcoming season of NBC‘s Community was a stretch by itself. The network pushed out series creator Dan Harmon, writer Megan Ganz has now left...
Before Jane Krakowski as Jenna Maroney there was Rachel Dratch as Jenna DeCarlo. When Tina Fey wrote and produced the pilot for 30 Rock she included her good...
Outstanding Comedy Series Nominees The Big Bang Theory Curb Your Enthusiasm Girls Modern Family 30 Rock Veep Our Pick: Modern Family Why It’s Going To Win:...
13 episodes to go. The seventh season will be the last for Tina Fey’s comedy ending with a one hour special. The seventh season is abbreviated...
SPECIAL REPORT – Community, 30 Rock, Parks & Recreation and The Office will end their runs. When NBC took steps to retire Jay Leno and install Conan...
Poor NBC and their Thursday night comedies. There seems to be a reason to cancel all the shows that fill the night’s schedule. Now, 30...
On 30 Rock this week, Liz becomes The Joker and Jack Donaghy becomes Bruce Wayne. While the purple jacket on Liz (along with the askew...