Regardless of whether you loved or loathed “Iron Man 3” the prospect of a sequel to “The Avengers” devoid of Robert Downey Jr. was a...
Ant-Man and Doctor Strange have been two projects for Marvel, that have longed been rumored, but never confirmed. That all changed for Ant-Man this past...
Ladies and Gentlemen I don’t want to waste any more of your time than necessary, because you need to start watching this trailer for Marvel’s...
Today Disney and Marvel have announced that both Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World will be released in 3D, I guess no one...
What a fun week it’s been. Michael Phelps swam really fast, Ryan Lochte akwardly entered the public eye and NBC covered the Olympics with the...
As Jack Nicholson as The Joker once said “Where does he get those wonderful toys?” Well if The Joker had known the cost of them...
Rounding out an exciting day in Hall H at the San Diego Comic-Con was Marvel’s Iron Man 3 presentation featuring Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle, Jon...
Yesterday during the Iron Man 3 panel, Marvel officially announced their 2013/2014 film lineup. They gave official titles to the two movies that were already...
Sure, putting together the likes of Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson among others seems like the ultimate gathering of celebrities to create...