There are so many cool things to do at a Comic-Con, including get autographs, go shopping, see new movie trailers, and dress up for the Masquerade. At Comic-Con 2013, you can essentially pack at least two weeks’ worth of geek activities into one long weekend. You can also do some pretty lame things.
Whether you’re attending Comic-Con 2013 in San Diego, CA, or you’re planning to go to a Comic-Con in the future, here are things not to do while you’re at the event (my list is in no particular order):
- Accost the stars when they’re going about their own business. Yes, even they like to shop for goodies, so let them.
- Heckle the panel speaker. The actor may have shot your favorite character in the back or done something else equally horrendous, but, fellow geeks, keep in mind it’s fiction.
- Ignore the Masquerade’s no weapons policy. Not only can someone get hurt, but it’s also a good way to find oneself a guest of the city of San Diego (or whichever city you’re in for that particular event).
- Expect the artists, actors, or writers to remember you from last year. They may have met thousands of people during that time; so unless you went to school together or are a relative, odds are, they don’t remember you. (Caveat: If they’re selling something and you make a major purchase, your odds will be a lot better next year.)
- Do an impression of an actor to his or her face. You don’t want to be that fan.
- Gawk At The Female Cosplayers. They too are at the con to have fun, it’s ok to politely admire them (DON”T STARE DIRECTLY AT CLEAVAGE) and even ask for a picture but there is no need to eye rape them or follow them around the convention and make them feel uncomfortable.

- Forget that it’s a family event. Tone down the
fucking language, people — there are younglings about.
- Forget to wear deodorant. You are tightly packed in a small space with thousands of other people, please give them the courtesy of making sure they don’t have to suffer your awful sweaty, onion scented armpits as they stand behind you in line.
- Forget basic door-holding etiquette. You should always hold the door for the person behind you, especially because you never know who it might be. Fortunately my mother raised me right, which meant that Jason Momoa got a chance to laugh at the dumb expression on my face as I held the door coming out of the bathroom.
- Be a jerk. Comic-Con is supposed to be fun, so lighten up and enjoy it, no one should go to con just to make fun of “the nerds”.
Most of these rules apply to pretty much any geek convention.642-902