In 2012, Ricky Gervais created a series or mini-series or something (even Gervais wasn’t sure) called Derek which featured the creator as the seemingly mentally-handicapped title...
It’s New Year’s Eve and, unfortunately, Dick Clark is no longer with us. The show must go on, however, and relief pitcher Ryan Seacrest will be...
The best TV shows of 2012 according to Pop Focal.
After Louis CK earned more than you ever will in your lifetime off a video of him telling jokes for an hour that he sold...
CBS looks to be moving ahead with the kinda-sorta television version of the Beverly Hills Cop movie series. Backed by Axel Foley, Eddie Murphy hands...
Long before The Avengers set box office records and made Joss Whedon a household name, Whedon had already gathered a cult following for “Buffy the...
*Minor Spoilers ahead If you are the only person on earth who hasn’t seen The Avengers* During the Marvel Television panel at New York Comic-Con,...
Tonight, the third season of The Walking Dead premieres. The show seems poised to make it to the next level with fan-favorite storylines from the...
Creators Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer made two sentiments very clear Friday at New York Comic Con: The Venture Bros. is coming back, and they’re...
Just when you thought I had officially had a Fall Freak Out… I am back from the dead with commentary on last night’s “Chicago Fire”...